About Sean

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Sean - Thank you for having the strength and courage to tell your story so others can learn from it. Many lives and property will be saved and futures redirected by your selfless choice to spread awareness about youth fire misuse and how it can be prevented. You are truly an amazing person.

Sean Then...

Sean was 15 years old when he purposefully vandalized and set his high school on fire. This incident resulted in Sean being convicted of four felonies, being incarcerated for three years, causing over $700,000 in property damages, and having a permanent criminal record that follows him throughout the rest of his life. Why would a child do such a harmful act? What contributes to this type of destructive behavior? How can communities prevent this from happening in the future? 

Learn about Sean's story and how you can help prevent youth firesetting by:

Sean Now...

Sean pursued a college education and graduated with an Associate's Degree in computer programming. He obtained a job in his professional field. He purchased his first home and married. He has gone on to start his own business. Sean has worked hard to repair his relationships with his family members, and says "it is better than ever."