Media Kit and News

News and Media Coverage

Youth fire misuse represents a significant national problem.  Sadly, it is often not until extensive losses, catastrophic costs, devastating injuries, or life-changing consequences occur before adults recognize that a child needs help.  Nearly half of all arson arrests in the U.S. involve youth.  Not commonly known, in many states children can be sentenced as adults for their firesetting/arson, imprinting them with a permanent criminal record.  Use Sean and current media stories as examples to increase awareness and better prepare our communities to realize the importance of addressing youth fire misuse behaviors before it's "too late."  For more information, read the article "Are You Listening Now?: The Million Dollar Cry for Help" by Karla S. Klas, BSN, RN, CCRP.  

Note:  The following list of stories is being provided as a historical example of the scope of the YFS problem in our communities (i.e., the list is not being regularly updated).  For more current news stories, use an online search engine.